Orchard 学习随记,Module创建、安装、卸载命令

Orchard CMS
Module 卸载(使用命令行):

package create <extensionName> <path>
    Create a package for the extension <extensionName>
    (an extension being a module or a theme).
    The package will be output at the <path> specified.
    The default filename is Orchard.[Module|Theme].<extensionName>.<extensionVersion>.nupkg.
    For example, "package create SampleModule c:temp" will create the package

package install <packageId> <location> /Version:<version>
        Install a module or a theme from a package file.

package uninstall <packageId>
    Uninstall a module or a theme.
    The <packageId> should take the format Orchard.[Module|Theme].<extensionName>.
    For example, "package uninstall Orchard.Module.SampleModule" will uninstall the Module under the "~/Modules/SampleModule" directory and
    "package uninstall Orchard.Theme.SampleTheme" will uninstall the Theme under the "~/Themes/SampleTheme" directory.